Forget corporate. Forget the government.
Small businesses are the hardest business sector to run.
Because they have to do it all. Themselves.
Working in the family business for over 10 years, I’ve witnessed the number of resources and knowledge required to run a small business.
💭 Think about it.
What goes into small businesses?
Owner & Team Members’ Skills
Limited by specific skills or experience, the team of a small business may or may not understand important things like marketing, accounting, inventory, and computer skills.
Sometimes, small businesses have to “learn on the go” while running their company on all cylinders to make rent and bring home profits.
Budgets Are Tight
Especially when just starting, small businesses are victims of their budgets. While they may have great ideas and ways to get more business, they don’t have the financial means to accomplish them.
Yes, there are small business loans. But sometimes, not everyone qualifies or needs to be used elsewhere.
They Are Taken Advantage Of
Sometimes customers or other businesses may see them as small and use them for “free” things or take advantage of their ignorance.
What can you do? Support local businesses. Think about how hard it is to run a business with budgets, employees, customers, supplies, transportation, etc.
👩🏻🏫 What I read this week…
Business Reminder of the Week:
“Keeping It Simple”

Arpit makes a great few points in his tweet about the time customers take to make a decision.
More Choices = More Time
How are you marketing your product or service? Are you making it hard for customers to make a decision? Stop.
Help customers make decisions quickly.
🧪 Here’s A Test: Follow these steps and how long it takes.
What’s your top product or service? We’re going to call that your #1.
Pretend to be a customer looking for it.
Head over to your company website homepage
Look for words or pictures to help you find your #1?
If you can click something to find out more, do that.
When you arrive, do you have an option to buy or contact?
What did you answer?
Yes, I found it quickly! Great, it seems like you are in good shape.
No, it was hard to find, or there was too much. Uh oh, it seems like you can improve a bit here.
If you want help improving your website or product pages, contact me, and I would be happy to help.